Dec 17th, 2021
Listone Giordano’s Project: 432 Park Avenue – New York
Post by Bellavita Luxury

Matteo Nunziati designed the hallmark elements of the 767 square-meter penthouse of the 432 Park Avenue skyscraper in New York. 432 Park Avenue is an exclusively residential building, located in the heart of Manhattan and a short distance from Central Park. Completed in 2015, with its 426 meters in height and 96 floors, it is considered the third tallest skyscraper in New York however, considering roof height alone, it is the tallest building in the city. This frame enhances the elegance of the iconic large square windows even more. The floor is covered by “Foxtrot” a square wenge wood plank designed by Nunziati for Listone Giordano. 

Foxtrot is a wooden fabric that loses its traditional forms of parquet and is inspired by the works of Mies van der Rohe and Mondrian. An interweaving of lines, squares and rectangles that freely come together to create new surfaces. Foxtrot wood floor stands out for its uniform, elegant and yet essential appearance. When taking a close look at the wooden surface, we discover a geometrical pattern that can constantly generate new, different shapes by simply moving the angle of view.